He is into EVERYTHING and is all boy. He's starting to try to take his toys apart to see how they work. He studies everything and looks it over to see how it fits together and how it could fit into something else. I think he's going to be just like his Daddy... into electronics, taking things apart, and a love for computers. He wants to play with Mommy's laptop all of the time. His toy laptop isn't good enough... he wants the real thing. He also will walk over to the desktop computer and just reach up to the keys and start "typing."
He has the cutest clothes. I wish I could wear some of his outfits and look that adorable! One of my favorite shirts he has is a simple long sleeve onesie. It's brown and on the front is a picture of the earth with a big whale on it and it merely says "I will make a difference." Every time he wears it it makes my little mommy heart flutter... Mom's often daydream what their kids will be like someday and hope and trust they make the world a little better then before they came. My prayer is indeed that he does make a difference but more than that, has a heart to make a difference for God. I hope and pray that he develops a heart for Jesus Christ, he wants to serve him in some way/form and is a person that people are glad to have him in their lives. He already has a smile that lights up the room - I hope he keeps that electric personality that just naturally draws people to himself.
He might not be a world changer in the same way we might think of one, but I do hope he makes a difference in the lives around him.
But little man you are already making a difference in this world.. the world is already a better place for Mommy & Daddy because you are in our lives <3
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