It's nap time... the house is quiet as only by the grace of GOD both children are asleep at the same time.
After "Hurricane Levi" has gone through |
A good mom would be able to keep her house clean, in spite of kids and cats. A better mom would keep up with the dishes as they're being used. A perfect mom has all the clothes folded and neatly put away the SAME DAY she does the laundry. WHY CAN'T I BE THAT PERFECT MOM?!?"
I'm tired.
I have NO ENERGY to wash the dirty dishes, or fold the laundry, or sweep up the dust bunnies, or weed the flower beds. I need a nap. But the mama-guilt is sneaking in. "I don't have time to sit down and read/watch TV/relax. The house is a mess. If I ever have dreams of becoming that PERFECT mom that I have in my head I better keep up!"
And if I'm TRULY honest... I many times put my "To Do" List over my quiet time with God.
So confession time... show of hands who suffers from "MOMMY GUILT?" C'mon... I know I"m not the only one. My word of advice: GET OVER IT! So at this point in my head I'm thinking "Hello Pot, this is kettle... YOU'RE BLACK!" I know I know. Practice what you preach. So how do we GET OVER IT?!?
Wise advice that has been passed down to me:
1. Put time with God first and things will come together - might not be as neatly as you like but God has a way of working things out. Even if it's just reading a quick devotion on your phone, or reading a verse of Scripture in your Bible, do something to take a few minutes to focus on God. He offers tremendous grace and understands the demands our babies have on us. He just asks that as we pour into our children that He can pour Himself into us!
2. You won't be able to function correctly if you're running on empty. YOU NEED TO RECHARGE. The dishes will wait. The laundry isn't going anywhere. Take time for yourself as you can. Try to squeeze in a nap while the kiddos are napping. Take a bubble bath after they go down to bed for the night or those few short hours before the midnight feeding. Schedule a babysitter and meet the girls for coffee or dinner or go out with the hubby! Whatever you need to recharge that is at all feasible DO IT!
3. Remind yourself over and over again that "cleaning the house with toddlers is like brushing you're teeth while eating Oreos..." it's not going to work very well. Do your best to keep things sanitary and stay a step above a house on HOARDERS and you'll be fine.

5. There is no such thing as the perfect mother. She doesn't exist. That woman who we feel has it all together - doesn't. You don't see the own struggles she goes through to attempt to look like she has it all together.
I wish getting over my own mama guilt is as easy as typing these words. I am working on it little by little. If anything this post is a reminder for myself - but hopefully someone else is being reminded too.
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