Where Faith, Motherhood, and Marriage try to fit together in the puzzle!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Welcome

Okay so I've been meaning to join up with Lisa Jo Baker's FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY'S for quite some time and I usually forget about it until Saturday and in my head I think "I can't do #FiveMinuteFriday on SATURDAY!"  so I'm excited that I actually sat down today to do it!!!  Plus being a new blogger still and not regular with posting yet it's a good excuse to JUST WRITE!

Here's the skinny...

We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag#FiveMinuteFriday
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

Today's Promp: Welcome....


Welcome to me reminds me of a warm friend... when you walk into a friends house, she greets you at the door with a HUGE hug and brings you to the living room or kitchen, coffee & muffins waiting and ready to just TALK about life.

There are very few people I bear my soul too.  I think it goes back to the times in Middle School when I was stabbed in the back by "fake friends."  Looking back, everyone is fake in Middle School/Jr high because they don't know themselves, therefore cant be real and authentic with one another.  And here I am years later still haunted by the fact that I was hurt by people who I thought were real and authentic and completely weren't.

I'm so grateful for the people who I have felt welcomed by to bear my soul too.  I love my friends.  I love the  people I feel close enough to to bear my soul to.  What makes them welcoming is the fact that we have similar beliefs.  However I am opening my heart up more and more to people.  I am finally learning to trust and letting my guard down.  I am grateful to God for allowing me to feel "welcome" around others and showing me that not all people will hurt me.  My trust issues are less and less and I see the authenticity in others.

I pray that people feel welcome by me too.  Am I a trustworthy person?  I try my best to be.  Thankfully, when I do mess up in anything I have a loving FATHER that WELCOMES me back with open arms... authentically.


Now show me what you got!  Link up at www.lisajobaker.com

1 comment:

  1. just found you on FMF:) lovely truth here...so beautiful to see God is allowing you to trust and let down your guard:)
