I am linking up today with my (in)motherhood ladies. Here's the info about the community group on NEW (& expecting) MOMS.
Between piles of dirty clothes, diapers, toys, carseats, feedings, sleepless nights, child care options, trying to maintain a home and work (in some form or another) – we get “new moms!” We are blessed to feel called to encourage you! We’re going to keep it real as we share honestly about the highs and lows of motherhood, where God has called us to be, and how we are drawn to our knees daily to lift up our families – because the only perfect parent is our Father. We aren’t experts, but we’ve been there – we ARE there, and we pray that we would be (in)couragers to new (and expectant!) moms as you walk through this season. We’re already praying for you & focusing on Joshua 1:9 as our theme verse!
If this seems appealing to you and you'd like to join check out the webpage here
Not for you? (In)courage has TONS of other groups that might fit you better! Check out the entire list here
Anyways, today's blog is writing a letter to your child.
The Rules
The rules are simple: Write a letter to your child(ren). Write a love letter, an apology letter, an encouraging note, a prayer for them. Whatever you have on your heart. Then come back here and submit the permalink to your actual post (not your blog!) below! Be sure to take a few minutes and visit a few of the other ladies in the group too! Everyone loves a comment!
Alrighty... here goes. I've been writing this in my head for ages so it's time I got it down in "print."
My little Levi ("Bugaboo"),
You are my little miracle baby. I look at you and think God could not have chosen a more perfect kiddo to give to me. You were a long time coming but most definitely worth the wait I hope someday you realize just HOW blessed and loved you are. I hope you realize how much we prayed for you before we even knew of you, and then, how people all over the world prayed for you when we realized there was something wrong with your heart during pregnancy. It is my prayer that you learn to appreciate the miraculous power of God and recognize how he works in your life... and did so even BEFORE you were born. I believe He has amazing things in store for you if you let Him have the reigns of your life.
I do pray that you learn to know and love God at an early age - but you're just old enough to realize how special and important it is. I pray that you quickly learn right from wrong and that when you do something wrong that you will be caught so that you will learn consequences for your actions. I pray that as you grow and mature you will have the desire to do the right thing, even when it's not easy.
I pray that you have friends who encourage you and respect you and that you are a person that naturally attracts people to yourself. I pray that you will be a light to those around you, where ever you may go. I pray your close friends will challenge you in your faith and will carry you along the way.
I pray for your health. I pray your little pacemaker runs strong. I pray that one day you might not need it anymore - I know God can completely heal your heart if it is HIS will. If that is not His plan for you, I pray that you are used FOR HIM through this. I pray that you remain healthy in general.
I pray for your safety. That you will never be the victim of any type of crime or abuse. I pray that you would learn to make safe choices and encourage those around you to do the same.

Know that you are loved.
Know that you are priceless.
Know that you are the greatest gift a mom (& dad!) could ever ask for.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
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