Where Faith, Motherhood, and Marriage try to fit together in the puzzle!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Look at the Heart

Yes, I am a blogging slacker this week.  I see my last post was also FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY but hey, I'm still new at this and still looking for inspiration wherever I can get it.  Even if it means "Cheating" and doing easy things like this :)

So here's the deal for FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to Lisa Jo Baker here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Okay, set the clock, clear your mind and just WRITE.
Today's Prompt: LOOK


Our society is OBSESSED with how we LOOK.  You have to be a certain size, have to dress a certain way, have the right makeup ALL to have the right LOOK.  The media hounds us in all directions on this through TV, Movies, Magazines.  Every time I go to the checkout line at the store I feel even less of my self as I see "Look thinner" "How to lose weight" and such.

Norman Rockwell's "Girl at Mirror"
I became self conscious of my weight in Elementary School.  I went on my first diet when I was 10 because I wasn't a tiny little peanut like some of my friends.  Growing up I wasn't obese or anything, but I was "healthy looking."  It kept me isolated because I was ashamed of who I was.  I wasn't super skinny, we didn't have tons of money so I couldn't afford the clothes of the "popular" kids and therefore I must not have been worthy enough of anything.  I was also a shy kid, which didn't help the self esteem either.  There are outgoing people who get away with these "shortcomings" and be confident in who they are.  I sadly could not. 

Thankfully, as I grew out of high school and started learning who I was as a Child of God, I became less and less worried of what other people thought.  I'm still not there yet.  I still compare myself WAY too much too others.  I hate my body and my self image has plummeted again since child birth, but thankfully I have a husband who loves me, a child who enjoys the extra padding to snuggle with, and a God who looks at heart.  
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7b



  1. Love this! We wrote very similar posts for this prompt. :)

  2. When we only look at the outsides of others, we neglect all the internal good stuff. The "popular kids", the extraverts confident in their "shortcomings", I am willing to bet they also suffered from self-esteem issues. We all worry what others think of us. Some just cover it up better then others. But like you said, when we emphasize the inside and who we are as a Child of God, then the outside stuff doesn't matter so much.

    A Heartening Life — www.ahearteninglife.com

  3. It's so hard not to look at ourselves from the outward appearence. The world has for sure tricked us into believe that is what is important!
