1 - My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and His love and saving Grace for me!! Yay God!
2- My wonderful, caring, patient understanding, good looking, wonderful Father of a husband who loves me for me and is the best friend a girl could ask for of 7 years (over 10 years of being together!!). LOVE YOU ALAN!!
Yes, that IS Darth Tater... |
3 - My son, my angel, my sunshine, etc... LEVI. He truly is the light of my life and has brought so much joy and laughter. I could not imagine life without him.

4 - My parents, who without them, I could not be the person I am today. I am grateful for having such wonderful, loving, caring, supportive parents who have encouraged me every step of my life and taught me why the #1 thing to be Thankful for is the #1 thing (okay that sounds weird but I hope you get the point).
5 - My in-laws (which is fitting since my Mother-in-law's birthday is the 5th!). So many have horrible in-laws that they don't get along with or fight with or maybe don't even talk to. God has blessed me with a wonderful other side of the family who have welcomed me into their family and who treat me as their own.
6 - My grandparents - all 4, who have left a wonderful legacy for me and my family. I am the person that I am today because I had 4 wonderful grandparents on their knees praying for me daily. This time of year I think of my Grandma Bistline who celebrated another Thanksgiving in Heaven. I miss you dearly! :'(
7 - Along with the family thing, I am thankful for my baby brother, who has been a wonderful friend and role model (yes, even being the younger one!). It was nice having someone to grow up with.
8 - My pets, especially my cats. They provide unconditional love and company. Their only request is that I feed them & change their litter boxes. Family pets have always brought me comfort and companionship when most needed!
9 - The right to VOTE! I had my say! I know it has not been all that long that women have had that right in this country and I take it as a privilege to do so!
10- This Country & it's freedoms. It's wonderful living in a country that I can have the freedom to do and say what i want without persecution. Not everyone has that privilege. If the government is doing something I don't like i can freely
11 - Dirty dishes that overtake my kitchen sink & counter. It means my family is well fed.
12 - The extra baby weight I can't seem to get rid of. It also means I'm well fed and have something wonderful to blame it on (see #3)!! :P
13 - Running CLEAN water - there are WAY too many people around the world who don't have this.
14 - The opportunity to put together a Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child and Samaritan's Purse. What a joy it was to put together something that i know someone in need will receive and enjoy. And it was a blessing to work out our local Collection Center for an evening.
15 - A vehicle that gets me from point A to point B. It might not be our dream car, but it gets the job done!!
16 - A roof over my head. It's not a mansion and it's not our dream house, but it's a comfortable home. It keeps us safe, dry, & warm.
17 - The mountain of dirty laundry in my bedroom. It means I'm well clothed. And my wardrobe might not be found in any fashion magazine, but it keeps me warm and not naked!!
18 - A washing machine that cleans my dirty clothes so I don't have to go the laundry mat OR wash them by hand in a stream.
19 - My messy house. It means it's lived in and we feel comfortable here!!
20 - The ability to clean my own house. Some can't take care of themselves. I'm grateful I have the health to do so.
21 - My health. I live a pretty healthy life. I've never had a life-threatening disease, the flu, or anything disabling. The few issues I have had are nothing compared to many even in this society and around the world.
22 - The kiddos I have waiting for me in heaven. Although I may never understand in this lifetime why I was not meant to be their earthly mother, I am looking forward to an eternity with them.
23 - My church family. I love being part of a church that makes us feel like a community. I have felt welcomed and very cared for. I would not have been able to get through last year without them.
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Ultrasound of Levi's heart |
Last day in the NICU |
25 - Make-up and hair products. They just make me look somewhat better & feel good about myself :) (Okay this one is a little vain, but every girl's gotta be allowed one!!)
26 - Electricity. I'm afraid of the dark... enough said!!
27 - The friends God has blessed me with. Strong, beautiful women of faith that challenge me, make me laugh, and support me when needed. God knows what I need in a friend and they each fulfill a certain area.
28 - the opportunity to serve God in various ways. It's humbling to work alongside Him and the fact that He wants me to do it! I know He doesn't need me to get His work done but it's wonderful that He wants to use me anyways!!
29 - My debt. It has taught me many lessons in life, many the hard way, but also shows that I can do something about it... over halfway dug out!! It's been brought about through hard events in life but also stupid mistakes but also has taught us a sense of accomplishment as we got control over it.
30 - I am so thankful for the Christmas Season of Advent. I love this time of year as we focus on the birth of Christ and God's answer to the hurting world.
Hoping you had a wonderful season of Thanksgiving and hope for a wonderful Christmas Season!!
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