Where Faith, Motherhood, and Marriage try to fit together in the puzzle!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Announcing (in)Motherhood Session 2!

I am so excited to announce Session 2 of (in)motherhood, the (in)couragers online community for New (and Expecting!) Moms.  As an excited member of the first session in the fall it is my humble priviledge to now be leading it with the fabulous and adorable Jessica Hoover over at Hand Me Down Grace .  

Motherhood.  Many of us dreamed of the day that someone might call us "Mommy."  We waited and anticipated for years - picking out names before we even had a guy around to call "Daddy."  Dreaming with our sweethearts what future children might be like.  Imagining rocking little ones to sleep while singing them sweet lullibies and gently stroking their precious little faces.  How perfect they would be and how perfect of a Mom we would be.  What a beautiful and magical dream it was....

The Love of My Life
.... and then REALITY STRIKES and you're up for the fourth time that night to feed  a screaming infant after you just fed him "an hour ago!"  You're running late again and have to turn back around to change a dirty diaper after just changing a wet one 10 minutes ago!  And you're so exhausted after being up for the third night in a row with your teething baby that you use orange juice as coffee creamer.  Welcome to Motherhood.

It's beautiful.  It's magical.  It's messy.  And no one can do it alone.  That's where (in)motherhood comes in.  We want to offer you hope and comfort on this crazy roller coaster called "mommyhood."  We want to offer a private place for you to come and share your little one's victories (First Word!), your "Mom Fails," (we've all had 'em!), and your prayer requests of how you're struggling as a mom.  We want to offer shoulders to cry on, offer you chocolate and coffee/tea, and pray circles around you sweet sister!  We also want to help "talk you off of the ledges" like when we convince ourselves that every tiny sniffle is going to lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.  We're here for you.  We've been there.  We ARE there!  We care.  Let's share this journey together!

My Little Man on his 1st Birthday, 7/26/12
Ready to join?  Click here for more info. Not sure if this is the home for you?  Check out all of the other (in)courager community groups here and get yourself connected!  Let's (in)courage one another!

Other Posts for you to get to know me:
Allow me to introduce myself...
Dear Levi
30 Days of Thanksgiving... All at Once!

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